Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Miller Time: The Boys Looking Sharp

A little behind? Catch up! I ran errands, we rehearsed, we ate pizza, and the girls got beautiful.  

While us ladies were up (relatively) early to get our beauty on, I can honestly say I have absolutely no idea what Neill and his crew did all morning. All I know is that sometime around 11:30 Neill texted me saying someone along the lines of "What's going on? We're going to start getting dressed." Well okay then!

I absolutely loved loved loved the color of their ties! I ordered them from Jenny Yoo to match the bridesmaid dresses (Silk Shuntung in the mist blue, if you're curious).  I was a bit worried it would all look too matchy matchy, but I ended up really loving how it looked! We actually got a bunch of compliments on them too :) I hope the guys liked them too, because they were part of our gift to them.

After our coordinator, Morgan, helped them with the boutonnieres they even had some time to goof around! I love this picture :) Don't they look so handsome in their gray suits? Plus, they are showing off the other half of our gift to Neill's groomsman - black converse!

Then, all Neill had to do was wait for his blushing bride to appear for our first look. Did I leave him waiting long? You'll have to keep reading to find out!

[all photos by alix klingenberg]

1 comment:

wed in the white city said...

i just love the allerton hotel, it made for some great photos for your group.
