Tuesday, December 2, 2008

fast girls

Today has been an amazing day of lazing around the house, eating thanksgiving leftovers, and semi-productively working on my graduate school applications. I hope to have six submitted by the end of today! That means only four more to go. Whew. I've already sent out my applications to UT-Austin, University of Vermont, Kansas University, DePaul University and Loyola University. I'm working on the application for the University of MO-Columbia today and then once I'm done with that I will only have do to the University of Utah, University of MO - St. Louis, IU-Bloomington, and University of Nevada - Las Vegas. My next week or so will be hectic with trying to get those in, but I will be richly rewarded with Chanukah, a visit from Jayson and Kurt, and then a trip to WV for Christmas. Sweet sweet holiday relaxation.

Right now, however, instead of working I'm just waiting for some laundry to dry so that I can go to the gym and get my clothes all dirty again. Then Neill and I are going to go see Elizabeth Elmore of Sarfe and The Reputation at the Double Door. I saw her perform at Schubas last year and fell even more in love with her songs so I'm super excited for tonight. She is opening for Juliana Hatfield. I have no idea who that is, but neill says I'll like her. We shall see!


Anonymous said...

congratulations on getting the applications done cutie pie!!!

i can't wait till the show tonight either :-D

The Grand Duchy said...

the show sounds pretty cool!

That is an intense amount of grad apps. They are all in such diverse places.

Married In Chicago said...

yeah. the show was pretty sweet. elizabeth elmore fucking rocks. you should check out sarge and the reputation, you would definitely like them.

i miss you!